Starts at
+ $3.50 / mi
Increases of .25 per mile or more may incur depending on factors, such as mileage, pet type or number of pets
a Quote Today!
Or fill out the forms here!
*Mileage charges are rounded up to the nearest 1/10th of the mile in all scenarios
Price Determined
by mileage
pet type
number of pets
70% due up front, Remainder of Price
and extra incidentals due at end of your destination
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Or fill out the forms here!
Ask About Our
Service Going Out of State!
Tucson Metro Area
Outer Tucson
& Other States
Deceased Pet Transport
Starts at
$100 cash
$125 credit
cold storage
$25 over night
$35 24 hours (day)
*Cost determined between
you & remains disposal provider
Body bag is provided by CPX
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By request, CPX can pickup your pets ashes and transport them to a location you specify.